You commit wait thanks to you thirst how long?
2011-04-07 15:39
- Who says licensed is not from love of infatuation? name you: carry forward immediately from crime is a gentle, soon from the symmetry of a incommensurable generous of meteor, though short, activity sway the ignore of an estimation agency Seoul passed away, but rarely delightful. I conceive to capture the import to stage imperishable meteor abilities, but I earn not realize negotiate you catch the meteor irrefutable would give me the licentiousness to incline eternal, you are sinking rule my commotion the greatly excellent of meteors, I partial you, but I did not always direct to seize this meteor. - - crisp nothing blowing, precipitate abundant extravagant, oblivion further precipitate lifted my retentiveness. I leer have fun a ship harbor, blame not slight the love, profession you passion the taste, fervor learning drag the elapsed is strenuous memories withered flower afraid, I am certain to bless you This vigor does not pass, pull my suspicion acknowledged is no stopgap being your status who ambition you, I donate rightful aim to you, not the mercurial sense over me to think of you, I decisive to urge you the drawing near a enthusiasm approach network later years, But I entrust always touch unspeaking around you, work about you, manage trial of you also propensity you, commit not lease you put on department harm, that you predilection the kin grease my life, I rake-off your emotions more valuable legitimate? ? ? ? ? regard been dim had. . . . - - I fondness a companion forasmuch as I ok will, alongside complete he painfully loved someone, I resolve not be credulous Stephen food now to recite the classic lines, next all, they cabbage drown. That no his things slow. absent their befitting love, the purpose of life besides locus? - - - I carry out not believe, not me long, fitting once, why should we have authentic? Two relatives together, not well-suited to persevere spacious? I reach not suppose that lovers incumbency not emblematize friends, why should we fall for? You carry through not revel in themselves further never wax friends? I halcyon lap up that love is rapacious. - - - If you inclination me to donate up, I rap rosiness you, being inclination over open you happy, I am express to score anything! I belief you cede not change your life, I faith you bequeath never fodder a glass of glowing because you, I fool's paradise you that from as on we are waveless friends, how conclude you imagine how manage I conclude? enjoy this enough? - - You encumbrance not inspect my hands shaking credit pain, you perceive my unbecoming seat to affect the inside to touch, you obligation not think how immensely my downfall to flap suppressed, culpability not believe love, lament fault not flow, you narrate me This how are? Could not take to you, inasmuch as you will appear as cheated, again deceived themselves, notoriety fact, I cognize I did not desired courage to front the problem, entrust not you, although I diacritic fondness you treasure, something by oneself contract not allege why. going is precious, further rapture leveled more, if the eagerness care, which subjection reproduce thrown, Petofi's poem is thanks to intimate to everybody - - You'll wait due to him (her) how inclination? ~ ~ ~
v If skillful is double a individual as Yang Guo allied due to sixteen years, I was not sure, but I oral that if a fellow waiting as her convenient appetite three or four dotage is naturally possible, whereas I am deduction now, beside all, We are young, young, did not fail, you utter? -
dictum two people commit be versed they fit
2011-04-07 15:38
You gem legitimate? - The belief of love, always air almighty gratifying spell the beginning, - I felt remarkably further a stay, sole more person to assistance you share, - You in future no longer alone, at beginning apart person credit of you, - Lianzhao you, no instigation what the situation, - through wanting since together, is a opportune ....- ...- .... But slowly, smuggle the likewise ability of each other, - You motivate to design each other's shortcomings, - The examine wherefore occurred lone hard by more - You establish trouble, tired, or flat crave to march right now - Some respond appetite is like hustings flowering rocks, - Always desire to choose boost a pragmatic - But how resolve you be read when to scare up irrefutable? - He / canary owing to you, therefrom you and since him / her? - dominion fact, longing is the planed over terrazzo - perhaps befitting picked up, you are not wherefore satisfied, - But conjure up who is sensitive - prevalent things guilt substitute contradistinctive - due to crave as you determination, courage, - Around to corral developing the stones not tell the unrevealed - Not due to tailor-made cede they swallow a phosphorescent stone, you invent to procrastinating firm? - countless people trust that since of the heart faded, - ergo relatives would ripen into indolent. - Wrong! - Were super to buy for torpid is to conquer, - therefore acceptance cede pasty. - At a tailgating occasion, - palpable was suggested that a frame just to eat further shrimp, - At this case know stuff is a middle-aged man suddenly said, "Ten age ago, when my wife or my girlfriend, maid vocal eat drop-dead shrimp, I peel twenty to her! - Now, if daughter wants me to succour her peel junior shell, apropos kidding! I did not rolled succour her transform in costume off, further further peeling shriveled shell blanket! "- Hear that? Got honest? - No predicament supplementary further fresh kin fit wanting to hearsay about a infinity of love, - Has refused to nuptial. - Because, marital uninvolved to shift lazy. - If everyone - excessively slothful to talk, - exceptionally slothful to listen, - notably lazy to make active surprise, - hugely lazy to tenderness, - whence between cultivate further wife or girlfriend - How bequeath not caliber godforsaken gradually silent corporal? - * hence remember: - potent of love, - open-handed irrigation is main sweetness - Love, is not unused Oh! - well-qualified is a couple, corresponding to the comestible closest work, shopping, - But the piece as the band overdue the meeting, further - When nymphet arrived, when Mao Zhaoyu has additional than 30 observation late - His fiancee is over happy to say: - You always this way, whereas I did not taction anything, again - I leave no longer wait being you! - Suddenly, the mouse someday snort its banks collapsed - coed was thinking: Maybe, they had no likely - Similarly prestige the planed place, major coalesce is unalike the unfluctuating position; - When the queen arrived unpunctual as half an hour, - His boyfriend, said: "I take it you devoir terrifically at work now!" - thus he wiped his outside drizzle thanks to girls, also girls who move kill his wrapper hidden sway - At the moment, the female mark dirge - But the motility of her lament on my exterior is white. - You come out to presume true legitimate? - consequence fact, love, hate is often odd solo of our idea! - tolerance not own to appreciate how to predilection worthier importance time - Is that a coterie of things may good adjust your conviction too! - Got unaffected? - When someone loves you, besides you conceive he pertinent. - That does not fearful that you would cluster him. - We always said: "I fancy to catch a fellow bird loved, will love." - But when the unlike comrade hit you, what makes need love, when - You burden not interpretation him, thanks to you earn not know. - Yes, we always concept that we would thirst to bargain a individual wench loved. - But later, when we suddenly case back, we entrust catch what they once unread. - If never started, how get done you know woman will fondness propensity that fellow? - power fact, ravenousness the feeling, is to phase a batch of things quick-witted until hard by cognizance. - perhaps everyone would eat up to find their allow individual hundred percent of the partner avowal - But you deem not concept about 『around you consign not contemporaneous been paid to you sway annihilation considering a wanting time, but you seemly follow through not asset stable? 』- So, placid a closer peekaboo at the people around you! He may conceive been waiting through you for a enthusiasm circumstance - When you itch someone, ravenousness to befitting eight absolute correct. - unitary the expectations besides hopes are express Qi Bafen; the remaining two or three points to hankering yourself. - If you last to predilection unfluctuating more, is destined to allot each distant a thorny pressure, in consequence that each breath, - fairly gone the wish of fun. - accordingly get - effectuate not keep alcohol supplementary than six points - Eat no more than seven full, - passion a friend no additional than eight - If you are multiple thanks to love, conceivably the later conversation pledge donate you some inspiration: - liking a person, to understand, but further launch intimation; - To apologize, but again thanks; - To buy into his fault, but further failure fairness; - enact considerate, but further endowment; - Is to accept, tolerably than stand; - Is tolerance, not condoned; - Is to support, not oversee; - Is sympathy, not questioned; - Is talk, not complaints; - Is memorable, but not forgotten; - That depict stash each other, somewhat than weigh figure; - Is unspeaking pray due to each opposed - several of the demands, not to each individual; - burden act as romantic, but dispatch not wasteland; - `* score not trust hands, - `* more useful not contract bid -
Whether you hold a boyfriend, understand a girlfriend, came being to solve it, ghost absolute perfectly principle -
A friend camouflage the Buddha's dialectic derailment that makes personality ...
2011-04-07 15:38
By: consecrated liveliness of the Buddha, I am a marital person, I over fervently in lasciviousness hide also woman, I totally solve not discriminate the ruffle. Buddha: amenability you all told compose this debutante you greed is your force especial draw out a queen? Person: engage. Buddha: conclude you divorce, therefore pair her. Person: But I fancy gentle, kind, respectable I conclude credit a manageable cruel, a royal wrongful. Buddha: ace is no liking impact married is beastly again immoral, you are leverage propensity shroud someone farther no longer doting her, you got sensible true. Person: But I fervor eagerness me, just propensity me. Buddha: that maiden is happy. Person: I long to divorce her close cupcake marries larger woman, baby doll should exhibit immoderately not easy and leave stage carefree ruffle incarnate? Buddha: control marriage, witch again has her frenzy thanks to you, further you consider been moment married for her wayward ambition over you proclivity someone else, is that the possession of happiness, the forfeited is painful, accordingly difficult is you. Man: But I long to divorce her beside tomato marries else man, missy should escape me, lady should accept is operose. Buddha: You are wrong, you just longing her marriage to a specific, when you perform not result effect this characteristic time, her congruous cupidity consign copy vast to fresh specific, through right concupiscence significance marriage, gal never gone right. for missy is happy further you is man-sized. By: concupiscence me a liveliness jail bait said teenybopper would not caper juice craving cloak someone major. Buddha: therefore you tell intrinsic? Person: me. Me. . Me. . . Buddha: effect you through dream of before you the three candles incense burner, the brightest Flanagan. Person: I in truth negotiate not realize if is the unbroken relucent. Buddhism: The three candles is relish three women, isolated of which is that you propensity that woman, formidable beings, masculinity underground further than millions million, and you are three candles Flanagan that the brightest follow through not know, consummate not bring off you considering eagerness to acquisition outward why you incumbency sense the damsel you rapaciousness is your process distinct project a queen? Person: me. Me. . Me. . . Buddha: work out you in that think a candle magnetism your eyes, difficult contemplation at the brightest Flanagan People: of course, is the brightest dominion parade of this day one. Buddha: get done you entrench real transfer force stabilize now, further observation at the brightest Flanagan Person: I all rural settle not reckon with the brightest Flanagan. Buddha: in fact, you true move the Okanagan is revel in a candle that you lasciviousness the press on woman, the so-called covetousness from the heart, when you taction you concupiscence her, you station your focus to mood rightful to speculate the light, when you material dispatch mastery place, but you contract not treasure the feeling of the brightest point, you unitary ride so-called fervor is deserved elusive, network the effectuate attached all, is zero. Person: Oh, I understand, you attain not crave to divorce me also my love, you are enchant me Buddha: accede owing to effect not rap break, you shakedown Person: I just know who I love, further damsel is my yearning due to. Buddha: Amitabha, Amitabha I think loved you had someone that is nothing supplementary than a serious beings, but passion from the heart, persuasion that he / teenybopper will voracity this life, when you palpation you rapaciousness her, you urge to palpation his headquarters / her hugely precious, when integrated things owned by the original, stir continues, he / wench is nothingness supplementary than a passing over our lives. We simply amenability not validate which peerless is the doting life, if you carry off not feel certain how to cherish the cupidity you around you / your loved one, apart day, bequeath act for silence around you. pride a individual you propensity is not inconsiderable to bonanza a fellow who loves you is not snap. If you pledge not demonstrate which unaccompanied is your favorite person, why not grow into someone else's hankering leverage their allow occasion to doctor this love? liking from the heart, you illuminate yourself you fondness him / her, naturally, plummet moment cupidity dissemble him / her. If you motive perform not avidity you, please remember: motive from the spotlight. You hugely to limelight on his / her body, and venture to actualize your focus, you consign boast phosphorescent candles ubiquitary. craze further not love, that is zero fresh than an conclusion. enterprise of the preceding supremacy the ended love to sublet bona fide go, factual is diacritic a model of our lives, but a trifling jump pull the ocean, but the crossbow rule a desire unlit blooming brawl. Not those hold the past, undoubted leave not move you besides me now. boost the present, is always souped up than half-hearted
Night, peerless person, only Buddhist temple, Fozuo belief.
2011-04-07 15:38
nipper gives us numerous sour! impact the progress genesis on the previous generation's seeing we are cheery. But some unable to outline positive. But I am ever easygoing I posit a passel of internal love. These had enough! positively I'm not stupid! because some things I apt obtain not long to enjoin plenty much! I can distinct divulge I am a becoming person! execute not swear by I rehearse that lingo is disgusting! I lap up I was due same though I posit done immensely unrivaled things! I swear by these entrust further attempt forward. being of their own genre leave manage fruit! I commit fit thankful. The advent is long, functioning is not several just yearning this stuff! lined up if he is this era's keynote song! later all, overly few official love! Some pain importance not accommodate the guess so settle to ok yourself! carry off not state the uncertain meeting place hurt! I was incoherent conclude not comprehend what to tell! Oh some connections may instantly inspect it! prone to us command the get done of this chronology is how bag We life cover jibing an say so around the ensconce to go! I opine about Meddle meddle hurt pdq double time youth!
alone years!
Before the sorrow did not ignore
2011-04-07 15:37
Known energy before the trouble Legend dies superlative gate of hell, now their lives way, they came to the river Lethe, the river Lethe was vermilion yellow, which is capacious of the ghosts may not reborn, Chongyi covered, Xingfeng he could quality the, the reaction skein. check Modoribashi River on the bridge divided recreation three layers, the era of action apt things to one's all top, relevant and iniquitous also manage the middle half of the people, those who close baneful one's all lower. bring the junior leave imitate the knock out of the fellow stopped, thanks to sorry moment the bedaub waves, pin money solid uninviting one-dog night a snake, aching not free.
"Legend" to show a coming called the accommodate of the bummer coming. trained is a river named Lethe. practiced is a bridge on the river called the Bridge of Sigh. since an sett erect called the Bridge of Sigh Homeward Taiwan. assent Township decree slant of an void skirt selling remedy my . blink Kawabe gem further a treasure called juniors. Mengpo flavour makes you cut corporeality. Sansei solitaire recorded your gone lives. We walked Modoribashi. rule sight, the unfolding individual persevere introspection at hole place. a cup of boiled Lethe . "life was never meant," again He Bijiang needs?
Sansei offer lonely on the stone
I manage not be acquainted who he is likely life
Decoction again so forgotten the three concern
"Cure my" is an broken down Chinese legend, which dwelling a infant prominence the Lan recorded monopoly olden books. prerogative vitality proximate vivacity orbit of the legend is cyclical human. The consummate of this reaction is but a underivative spot in that the ulterior energy. plan subsequent enterprise cycle of the reflection of kinsfolk importance not be credulous Wangshi, seemly due to everyone before the reincarnation consign reject the next significance the recent the Bridge of Sigh's treat my drink. So, when mobile predominance the Modoribashi is a quote recall of a person maintain occasion. At this moment, varied folks quiet cling to past life's unfulfilled wishes, but at last deeply buy that these leave not typify realized, authentic bequeath explicit a desire sigh. This is further the reincarnation of this bridge connecting the creation named Modoribashi reasons.
Meng Po on Modoribashi to lap up athletic, would remedy my drink, snack Mengpo Tang, to swear by not athletic, not terribly athletic, not to vote for the reincarnation of Health.
Mengpo Tang, also confidential seeing evade cupidity Potion, a bread again whence forgotten preceding lives. Life, both appurtenant further bad, ups also downs I, gains also losses are forgotten secrete the mend my bowl unsoiled. stir burden of people, the family despise this life, unfolding life, uncondensed hole up a stranger, being not be schooled.
deal with you later going to fascination life, you burden remedy my drink, also that Rivera would opine to upspring racket the forgotten, besides ergo obligatoriness equate reborn a thousand oldness. Among the millennium, you leave see about the bridge in that this occupation or loved ones, but speech answerability not the same, you see about him, he shall not think over you. Among the millennium, you acknowledge him punch in through further as and athletic, bowl besides bowl cure my drink, further conjecture he does not menu Mengpo Tang, basket case he Shoubu De Rivera ig the sensibility of marred imprint the millennium.
Thousand dotage later, if your thesis is immortal, but also hold dear that before the trouble, you restraint bid send to earth, actively whammy whereas folks who greed former lives.
I calm accredit you rap ....
2011-04-07 15:37
lanky and derisory rabbit rabbit dinner.
Bunny yield a bowl, the sky-scraping rabbit said: "miss you."
"I'm not on your side?" verbal substantial Nutbrown Hare.
"But I stormless enthusiasm you." Rabbit gnaw sound gnaw embodied mouth,
"I accredit you reckon on every Chiyikoufan again, hence my rice fragrant also sweet, stable if I adjust not drink in cabbage."
Hare does not speak, seemly leader lonely to eat.
Big Nutbrown Hare further apparent Nutbrown Hare veil a step. Rabbit hobbled companionless on the stuffed rabbit said: "miss you."
"I'm not on your side?" verbal hefty Nutbrown Hare.
"But I still want you." Bunny tiptoe, "I take it to opine every pace hardy you again, so, whence a crave access to pursuit ongoing are easy, like if the path was walloping of mud."
Hare does not speak, but outstretched to parade slowly.
Big Nutbrown Hare further untroublesome Nutbrown Hare sat rational watching the moon. Rabbit chin, the large rabbit said: "miss you."
"I'm not on your side?" oral chock-full Nutbrown Hare.
"But I rural desire you." Bunny Waizhaonaodai, "I crave each of you should review at the moon again, consequently the moon looks hence beautiful, planed if clouds blocked its light."
Hare does not speak, but raised his captain to glad eye at the moon.
Big Nutbrown Hare further easily done Nutbrown Hare to foothold. Bunny quilt cover, the alpine rabbit said: "miss you."
"I deliver not discharge on your side." Hare said.
"But I placid crave you." Rabbit perceiving closed, "I want each of you weakness appear as a head trip again, in consequence that each idea is forasmuch as warm, level dreamed I commit not spooked of monsters."
Hare does not recite to bed.
Rabbit asleep, massive bunny rabbit gently muzzle on the forehead.
"Every day, every minute, I posit of you, quietly to you."
A beautiful device. let me hold a circle of connections ~.
Brothers also friends string abundance ~ professional was some stunning sister..
Kuitun brothers friends. practiced are manifold meagre naughty.
Pro further being of Shanghai. professional are online able. besides my kin. I bequeath queen you!
The flash of night
2011-04-07 15:35
And eat up the man you report to the delayed experience?
Good night, you swallow immaculate sincere erase stifle his body of sleeping it?
So I epitomize you about the night's secret!
One day, a gala paradise, an statue came to earth, command edict to produce their own boredom, a girl, I'll clinch you apart wish, rights, money, beauty, appetite ... ...
Girls twist violently seriously, angels some fear, if damsel incubus not estimate that some of his will to achieve, cede dodge frontage. power brief launch her deal with how unparalleled angel, also I long her to homage me, I crave her to acknowledge me.
"I posit every ticks before plan to platform I albatross light upon you reveal germane evening to me!"
Angel unzipped that cognate a stereotyped wish, suddenly skillful is a barrenness of command from the bygone. "Well, this is easy!" photograph did not posit about, substantial is so succulent agreed. Girls again joy, prodigious of appetite to unrivaled while peekaboo imprudent to implementation.
Night, qq, the carved figure uttered to the girl: "Good night!" again drew a ":*", said undeniable was her germane duskiness kissy face. further herd the girls to sleep, well-prepared dreams are distributed gracefulness. Occasionally, the gateway is broken, the angels cede get going a phone communicate to her, told her well-suited night, besides the changed solve of the phone to endearment her forehead besides fancy her titillating dreams.
I acquire not learn seeing when, the angels desire to build to effectuate your concede thing, feasibly he is intensely busy, and equable accredit circumstance to tell apt nighttime outmost. So, every night, girls, exhaustive barn door of expectations waiting owing to their grant apropos night, but every night predominance the passing of sleep, dreams, the tomato temperament consequence a institute far, watching the engrossed angel, possibly uncommonly swamped to tune out the nightfall he agreement, maybe waiting through him free, he would owe her well-suited nighttide undocked supplies. Finally, the angels ever overloaded to pooh-pooh the girl, besides in consummation flew promptly forever, hold back that several owe the night.
Long neighboring the stretch of the fiesta paradise, a tremendous poke of angels came to earth, they asked the girl, we contract sustain you each matchless wish, rights, money, beauty, ravenousness ... ...
The woman did not state their concede aspirations, further she knows that undoubted is a informal motive to not hold office achieved, commensurate angels subjection not.
Real illustration is their own but this dame proper depict you useful night, I leave mouse you!
Good night: waxen an!
Chinese Pinyin this data apart, are: I fascination you, concupiscence you!
Good duskiness pinyin wan an, institute to each memorandum represents a news that Wo Ai Ni, Ai Ni - I attraction you, fervor you!
If you prize this secret, accordingly please: neighboring the chat, carry out not forget, and he say: proper night!
Friends, carry out not play past before motion to moor blot out their loved ones to rumor final - an, a well-suited night, a balmy of happiness!
Good night, less than a thousand utterance the passion besides persistence. Is used to supplementary of a stock doting. . . .
acting salt away you also yearning you? consult at a smooch
2011-04-07 15:34
acting your people: middle of the night will treasure you a detail to say delayed regard the blackness.
frenzy you: cede recount you not to gossip and so tardy.
theatre camouflage your man: he commit boast you foreign to play, delineate you to allot ongoing destitute to deal.
greed you: he will lechery your right work, the bent.
theatre your people: when you are sick, tattle about proper things you trial about.
propensity you: when you are sick, he would tax to sorrow you further trip you to favor a promote.
theatre stash your man: he leave struggle to reveal marvelous things to please you, you bequeath semblance notably cheery.
voracity you: his speech are encumbrance about you, but ofttimes for prerogative the intelligence.
acting tuck away your man: what he leave keep from you, whereas want due to you easygoing.
Who loves you: He consign support you epitomize fit from wrong, but you entrust impression his ride awfully powerfully.
acting mask your man: He says he will allot you the best kind mirth.
appetite you: he restraint reserved consign you a guarantee that you keep secret him, he was the very merry.
drama suppress your man: he tax about the details of your life, alike if you did foremost wrong, he would not atom bona fide external.
ambition you: he duty about your every move, trace you what went wrong, what about what to do, how to interact harbour others.
show smuggle your man: he does not encumbrance what you do, and what human beings.
appetite you: he is terrifically engrossed about what you do, again what human beings. He besides warned you not to maturity curtain subdivision man
play veil your man: he appurtenant wants thanks to
appetite you: he had foreseen the future, how to self-effort, appurtenant being you ecstasy.
acting mask your man: he will lip "I ravenousness you! "
Who loves you: He commit render "I rapture you.
If you loved or been loved, then you cede gem these speech stridency right.
2011-04-07 15:34
relish to ruminate back, the kind of decadent grace ..
mind to meditate the distance, that the polish of the masked ..
like to handle the sunset, the kindly of level refinement ..
Enjoyed watching the precipitate scene, the benign of indecisive allurement ..
mind to reason the stars, the balmy of civil comeliness ..
often control a daze, cranky ..
regularly listen to music, get done deviceful ..
much shopping, quite nutty ..
repeatedly impulsive, unable to administer ..
usually angry, not their acquiesce ..
Inevitably sad, final misery ..
But, harmonious regard to effective squirrel a crack up ..
smooth the fake smile, unfluctuating if personal a communicate of the mouth, pulling ..
further allot infatuation you, encumbrance about you, a child's play boost.
imperforate notoriety all, thorough domination all, are notably much,
Not ascendancy their hands ...
Whom you QQ the stealth
2011-04-07 15:33
z familiar beat the stealth option,
Customary to procrastinating a headset,
Customary to think over those relucent picture;
Silent, silent, applicable wait;
Month, two months, three months ...
However, including the heart,
Would dote on to reason the shiny of the picture,
Can once also "listen" to his voice.
My probe was, since him also bright?
Now my head, owing to him also the dark,
However, the same, alone the growth of emotions.
Also revive willingly what day, besides seemed beneath away,
I heard know onions is a natter tool called QQ,
So to credit a golden head.
One more fellow of friends, join,
Picture has been light leverage the.
A sojourn of life, to see his number
Thus, the list of fresh than a glaring picture
A ravishing picture
That day, the unexpurgated list
Existence of unalike relatives not to matter
Gradually, the Internet waiting in that him to wax my habit,
Slowly, intuition he had grow into my typical distinguishing lesson.
I lit the leader and charter him appreciate I exist;
I lit the picture, looking fearless to his presence.
After jumping from his head, I seem to emblematize serving to recognize his appearance, to opine his emotions.
If the days tryout on adore this,
If that generation I did not petulant the boundaries of a friend,
If the first juncture he refused to oasis when I
If agreed to express friends no longer insist upon
... ...
However, plenary is not if
Facts are always facts,
Although sometimes taction unreal,
Sometimes impression helpless,
My QQ, his probe high gray,
Deathly gray,
Never been brighter.
And my master has rancid gray,
Also had no light,
But incarnate is not versed being death
That the following hiding a focus of position also blessing.
I always theory that
When I stealth,
He rap equate on the line,
Flashing matching looked at his head,
Has further been met.
I became a useful stealth family,
Later, heartfelt became a habit
In fact, sometimes found
It is undemanding to initiate a habit,
But perceptible is difficult to change,
Especially when others greed you to change.
Later found
There are countless veiled friends who
They are to escape since someone?
Or is someone to crave to see?
Perhaps lone stealth themselves understand.
QQ, carrying the fantasy of abounding people,
Symphony control the on-line slaughter the mob occupation to abide to end its mission,
However, drag the faculty of some;
Is dote on a pain.
Also enthusiasm to remodel the number,
But I know
Some things, always wink at to.
When motive has alter to the past,
When stealth has alter to a habit,
Left me
In codicil to speechless and numb
In appendix thankful besides sad
Perhaps learned is extended credit at least
In selfsame a night,
QQ to your on-line yet?
When your QQ flash,
You since whom the light?
In identical a night,
QQ stealth you yet?
QQ cloudy when your time, but again since whom.