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2011-09-19 15:25
A study by Nielsen on the Global Luxury Brands has revealed that almost 35 percent of the Indians who participated in the survey confirmed that they prefer to buy luxury wholesale cheap handbags brands. replica chanel bags India stands third in the global luxury shoppers list next to Greece leading by 46 percent and Hong Kong with 38 percent. The study further reveals that Indian shoppers prefer brands like Louis Vuitton and Gucci which have an international; high profile It appears that the love of shopping for designer wholesale cheap handbags products does conquer all, even the economic slump. Despite the deepening recession, and soaring unemployment, market for luxury designer brands is cruising. Fashion in India is a growing industry with international events and annual shows by renowned designers being held at the major cities in India. The consecutive victory of Indian beauties in international beauty contests, has initiated the desire in the minds of Indian shoppers to favor the purchase of luxury wholesale cheap handbags brands. They tend to shop for designer brands to advertise their status. If you're shopping online and find a designer Discount Fendi Handbags at a price that’s hard to pass up, there’s a way to tell if you're getting an authentic product: Read the product description carefully. Some online merchants will lure you into their sites by describing their products as original, authentic or genuine. After reading descriptions, you may find such phrases as “inspired by” a particular designer. This product isn’t authentic and the phrase is used to protect the merchant from trademark infringement.